Thursday, August 18, 2022

My Mom


Among my mom Ruth’s favorite things were butterflies. I still have a ton of her butterfly pins. At her celebration of life we asked people to wear animal print clothing (another fave thing) and anything with butterflies. some years later when my dad passed away my sister and a couple of cousins were at the gravesite when two monarch butterflies flew right in front of us and landed on dad’s gravesite wreath. We all looked on in amazement and said “wow they are together!” Even my grand daughter Sofia will say “there’s grandma Ruth” when a monarch flies by. Sometimes when Mike and I are in the backyard or at the bay he will point at a butterfly flitting about in front of us and say “There’s your mom!” Or “Hi Ruth!”   Just as I started my walk one day last week, " look who came by to walk with me!” Thinking of my mom   with such warm memories.



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