Sunday, September 25, 2022

Mike's 70th Birthday Celebration Part 3


We had a 10 a.m. check out time for the cabin. Since we are early risers Mike made a fire in the fireplace.    He also made me a cup of hot chocolate.  We made the most of the early hours and packed leisurely.


We were packed and had followed instructions for checking out.  Locked up the cabin doors and were on the road home by 9:00

It was a memorable, fun weekend getaway.

Happy 70th Birthday Mike and many wishes for a ton of great adventures in the decade ahead.


Today is 
"National Daughter's Day"  and so it is fitting to thank these two wonderful daughter's Aria and  Athena and their families for their gift to their dad Mike on his 70th birthday. A wonderful celebratory weekend at Lake Arrowhead where they gifted us with a lovely cabin in the mountains retreat.   Thank you both for such a lovely, thoughtful gift.

This photo taken June 2022 after more than 2 years of not being together with our daughters (l-r: Aria, Barb, Mike, Athena). Both daughters gave birth to sons during the height of covid in 2020. At this reunion we were able to meet our grandsons for the first time.)


Here is the airbnb link for anyone interested in this stellar rental: 



The Arrows - Tranquil Mountain Retreat - Cabins for Rent in ...

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