Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Not Just About A Book Club Meets Again

 Our book club resumed today after a long, long hiatus.  It was  a wonderful day of reunions, lots of catch up talk and multiple birthday celebrations.  Thank you to our wonderful host Lynda who provided a lovely brunch and a space where friendship, laughter and lots of love abounds. 


Wonderful to see all the book club friends

Marsha on the right was able to join us. She was in town from Fort Worth Texas

We had long awaited celebrating our  September club members birthdays.  We missed the presence of Kathy, Judy and Jeanette today. Still we sang Happy Birthday to Jo and Lynda and had some fun with sparkler candles.


 With all the festive celebrating, eating and drinking we did settle down to discuss the two books we had read.

"The Boys In The Boat" by Daniele James Brown.  Set during the depression years this story focuses on the experiences of Joe Rantz and his teammates on the rowing team at the University of Washington and their quest for the Gold medal at the 1935 Berlin Olympics. The story is beautifully scripted with many lessons on determination, resilience, teamwork, courage and trust. 

 A good contrast to "Boys in the Boat" was  "The Hotel Nantucket"  a light, funny summer read. In this book we follow Lizbet Keaton as she attempts to revive the Hotel Nantucket
back to its glory days of glamor and prosperity.  To this end we are introduced to a  cast of colorful characters that are staff and guests of the hotel. A fun, quick summer read. 


It was a wonderful time to gather together.  After so much time in quarantine and being apart. We are managing bit by bit to resume our normal routines.  Being together with our wonderful friends on days like today we realize how fortunate we all our.  Looking forward to starting our new normal again. 



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