Saturday, October 1, 2022

Another 70th Birthday Party for Mike

Lights at the end of a dark tunnel shown bright tonight. We were able to join our life long friends of over 50 years Alan and Karen,  my sister Jocelyn and brother in law Vicente and our friend Wolfie who drove from his home in Santa Barbara for yet another birthday celebration for Mike. Karen, Jocelyn and Wolf went to high school together and we've all celebrated so many wonderful landmark occasions from those years til now. Also in attendance were Karen and Alan's twin boys Adam and Michael and Michael's fiance Eliana.  So much care and thought into making it a night for Mike with specialty salmon, Vicente's great salads, a wide variety of treats from Portos cuban bakery, a special rhubard pie from Republic of pies and a delicious peach cobbler made by my sister. Mike was gifted with beautiful ceramic bowls made by Wolf and a wonderful kite from Karen and Alan with a message "Go fly these with your grandchildren!" There was a lot of love felt by Mike last night. Thank you all for a grand celebration! The world begins to open up in so many good ways.


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