Sunday, November 6, 2022

Day 2 Cleveland Vacation

For Mike's 70th bday celebration we planned a trip back home to Cleveland. We rented a house two streets down from his late parents home. The Native American festival was in Rocky river. We saw Native American flute making, beading and basketry styled from birch bark and porcupine needles, flintknapping which is the art of arrowhead making and lectures on many interesting topics. Mike is having a wonderful reunion with his younger brother Rocky and his sister in law Mary. I love them both too. Weather is beautiful.     A very interesting and educational experience.




Lunch was a favorite place of Mike's.  A big italian sausage pizza is a specialty here.

 After this big meal we needed a good long walk at the Perry Johnson Wetlands. 
We  took a five mile hike through some nearby scenic woods and watched geese land in flocks on the water and eagles land in nearby trees. They said we just missed the fall leaves in full colors by a week. Still beautiful country.

End of a great day!

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