Saturday, February 11, 2023

February 2019 A Conversation with a 3 1/2 Year Old Sofia


Bedtime adventures night 1:
After much late night talk, books read and chatting in the dark, silence and I think this little 3 1/2 year old is asleep. Then there is this:
Sofia: "I went to the zoo and I saw a snake.
Me:"Sofia, I don't like snakes and I don't want to have a nightmare about them."
Sofia:"What's a nightmare?"
Me:"A bad dream.
Sofia:"then can I talk about an albino alligator?"
Me:"Maybe tomorrow. We need to go to sleep now."
Sofia:"Gramma you're special!"
Me:"You are too. Goodnight"
With this I feel her snuggle close as she wraps her little arms around me and says: "Gramma, I love you."

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