Thursday, March 16, 2023

Day 3 Australia

 Day 3 while Jude was at Preschool and Mat was working Athena drove us to a nearby town Bulli (pronounced Bull eye) where we went to a cute coffee shop called “Two Sisters” owned by the two sisters who served us. 




Then we drove to Sandon point , a beautiful beach view next to Mc Cauley’s dog beach to let Sam romp in the ocean. 



After lunch at home we cooled off at the ocean pools that we were at yesterday. The pools were so refreshing in this near 100 degree weather.



 Afternoon we picked up Jude and went to a lovely outdoor ocean pool in Thirroul where Athena did laps and we swam.



 Late afternoon relaxing at home . 



Athena is making pizza for dinner.



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