Saturday, March 18, 2023

March 18th in Australia

 Saturday at Jude’s Cafe


Day 5 Saturday we drove south 40 minutes to the new waterfront marina at Shell Harbor. 



A nice leisure walk there then drove up to a scenic overlook of The famous surf beach called “The Farm” . 


A breathtaking view. Returning home we had lunch at the Thirroul Community Garden where volunteers grow beautiful vegetables to be sold at the town co-op. 


We ate a great vegetable curry from the garden grown vegetables.


Saturday late afternoon we took the boys out for a run about at a nearby wooded area and park. It’s called “Clowes Park” but Jude’s calls it “Sams park”. Sam loves running here and grandpa Mike and Jude loved finding big sticks.  

We returned home and got Jude fed and bathed and off to bed while his mom and dad had a date night out. End to a very nice day.

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