Friday, March 3, 2023

Not Just About A Book Club Reads "Lessons in Chemistry"

Yesterday the rain stopped and the sun was shining on the blue Pacific Ocean.   It was perfect timing for our book club meeting at the Belmont Brewery by the pier. The book we read was "Lessons in Chemistry" by Bonnie Garmus. It was a unanimous hit and we all loved the book. The book focuses on the life of Elizabeth Zott, a brilliant chemist and her trials, tribulations and triumphs in her academic education, career, and personal life. The novel encourages conversations about women's lives, careers, and struggle for empowerment in the late 50s and early 60s and into present time.




Thanks to Lynda who did a wonderful job leading our discussion.

Food and drinks were par for the course.

It's always a party when we're together.



This was also a wonderful time to gather to celebrate three March birthdays

Happy Birthday Sharon
Happy Birthday Maria


                                     Happy Birthday Marcia

Thank you to all the friends that brought treats and goodies
and thanks to each member of our village
for bringing your
light and love.



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