Saturday, April 22, 2023

Celebrating Helen's "106th" Birthday


We spent a wonderful afternoon with Helen. She turned 106 on March 2nd but we delayed the celebration until today. We were able to celebrate Helen's birthday annually until covid hit in 2020 so we missed some valuable years together.  Last year in 2022 we were able to be together with her. Today we were able to spend a whole lovely afternoon with Helen.


 For the last couple of years she has been bedridden. She has stopped doing her beloved jigsaw puzzles but she does continue to love her Korean soap operas which she watches daily. 


 She lives with her daughter Jill and her son in law Bob. They have a care-giver with her as well. Helen is remarkable for her age. She is able to carry on lucid conversations and she is funny. She makes us all laugh. 



 We had a hearty laugh at Helen's bedside.


Vicente was wearing bermuda shorts and we were all standing around her bed. Vicente said, "Oh my God! My pants just fell down!"  He has lost so much weight since he last wore them that they just slid off. When he said that Helen didn't miss a beat and replied:    "If I knew that I would have jumped out of bed to see!"  She also said to Jocelyn about Vicente, "This may not be a very nice thing to say but I think he (pointing to Vicente) was wearing the same shirt the last time he was here."  We all laughed so hard.    (I went back to last year's visit and no Vicente was not wearing the same shirt) but wouldn't it have been something if he was. 

 At any rate she is,  at 106, still able to charm us all and gift us with her lovely, sweet presence. 

Here we are wishing Helen a very happy 106th birthday.


Randy and Barb
Vicente and Jocelyn
Barb with Helen's daughter Jill

Mike with Helen's son in law Bobby


We brought lunch (Hawaiian food) 


 and a cake to commemorate this special birthday.  



Riley, the family dog was waiting for some treats. 

We all had such a wonderful time being with Helen.

We kept saying:  "Helen, you are such an amazing person!"  She replied "No I'm not.  If I was really amazing I'd be up cooking dinner for  you all!"    

We love you. We cherish you. We wish you days upon days of  happiness always.  

"Happy 106th Birthday!"

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