Saturday, April 15, 2023

My Belated Birthday Party at Mary's House



My bff Mary and her husband David hosted a belated birthday celebration for me. We all marveled that the last time we met at her home for my birthday was 2019. 


Our hosts Mary and David

My brother Randy and Barb


My sister Jocelyn and Vicente


Mike and me

 The table was set so beautifully.

We had a great dinner beginning with delicious bbq’d pork buns and won tons.


 Then a delicate zuccini soup, a honey baked ham and several casseroles and salad. 






We are all planning a nice vacation together later this year. My daughter Aria sent each of us a pre-travel gift box for our joint adventure .




Life after covid is liberating. We toasted to each other’s health and to many happy celebrations together again.


 There were gifts and cake and party glasses galore.




 Ps my sister  Jocelyn, bff Mary and I dressed in the same shade of green unplanned. My sister in law joked she did not get the memo.


 It was a wonderful night in every way but most importantly that we could all be together again.

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