Friday, April 28, 2023

Our Avocados

 This is nothing yet everything. Mike buys avocados. He likes to eat one every morning. I don't buy avocados usually but I knew I was having some friends over earlier this week and I said " could you save me an avocado I want to put one in the salad I'm making for my friends.?" This morning I saw that someone on fb was eating avocado toast. That sounded appealing. I went to the fridge only to find the last avocado. A few minutes later Mike came to the kitchen from his office (one of the bedrooms is now his office space since working from home) and I told him that I didn't eat his last avocado. I said "YOUR avocado". Without hesitation he said "OUR avocado, they're our avocados, not MY avocado!" Somehow this struck me tenderly. It is the same feeling I get when he, without me asking, places a hot cup of tea next to me and says this is for you, or when I wake up to find the jigsaw puzzle we've been working on finished except for the last piece which he has saved for me to put in place. Like I said this is nothing yet everything.

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