Monday, July 24, 2023

The Kids Are In Gaeta


Sofia and Rocco are enjoying some time in Gaeta Italy cooling off at the beach. 


On the coast between Rome and Naples, Gaeta sits along the “Riviera di Ulisse” or Ulysses’ Coast, a land of myths derived from the Odyssey and from Roman poets like Virgil. Gaeta rests on a promontory, capped by a castle with prime waterfront spreading out like wings from the center. To the north are sandy beaches and inlet coves, while to the south is a waterfront walk studded by boat marinas, a port, and ship yard. In between them is the lovely town center with its shops and cafes and piazzas.
The kids had a great tour of the castle today. 


“The Castle of Gaeta is a medieval castle located in the town of Gaeta in Italy. It was built in the 11th century and has a rich history, with several important events taking place there over the centuries.
Visitors are able to explore its grounds and learn about its history. It features a number of ornately decorated rooms, including a chapel and a throne room, as well as beautiful gardens and panoramic views of the surrounding area.
One notable event that took place at the Castle of Gaeta during the winter months was the signing of a treaty between the Kingdom of Naples and the Holy Roman Empire in 1230. This treaty ended a period of conflict and marked the beginning of a period of peace and prosperity in the region.”


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