Saturday, August 5, 2023

For Mario



Yesterday I attended a Celebration of Life for my friend Dr. Edgar Moran. Some background: I met him probably over 15 years ago in my Italian language class. This was a small private group of about 8 people men and women of diverse backgrounds with a common love of Italy, it’s language and culture. Edgar was his name but we always called him Mario. Our teacher was Luisa B. With the passage of time this little group became very close. (I studied with this group until covid hit).We had so many parties, enjoyed dinners at one another’s homes and friendships and admiration and appreciation for one another blossomed. Mario was a Renaissance man. He was a consummate learner, teacher and rock of a man. He was not boastful yet little by little his history and vast experiences and accomplishments were revealed. (Born in Romania he was a Holocaust survivor and had lived through four Romanian dictatorships.) He loved to cook and would gift us with his “caponata” or a special “panna cotta”. He loved to host and bring out his favorite wines. After he retired he took up sculpture and invited us to his opening group exhibit. He was marvelous and invested in this art form. At the urging of his family he wrote his autobiography and self published his book:”My Strength in Adversity.” He was a lifelong teacher and along with his sculpture period he started to teach courses at local colleges for seniors on various topics including your physical well being and so many interesting topics. I took his classes. We were told he passed away two weeks before his 95th birthday and that he had taught his regular class the day before he passed away from a heart attack. That was Mario, giving of himself, teaching others to the very end. I was so honored to call you my friend Mario. Ciao amico mio!



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