Monday, August 14, 2023

Our Last Day in Dallas

 One week has gone by quickly and  Jocelyn and I are flying home tomorrow.  I have loved being with Sofia and Rocco. She loves to play school with all her stuffed animals and he is all about playing with his dinosaurs. I realize this time with each of them is precious and ever changing. I’m so grateful that they still want to play with me and that each of them holds me and says “Please stay here, don’t leave gramma.” Thank you to my wonderful sister Jocelyn who was baking cookies and banana bread all week for the family and for being a loving second gramma to the kids. Rocco will look to the place Jocelyn sits at the table and asks, “where gramma go? When she’s not there. He’s happy to have two same same grammas! Ciao ciao family. Gramma loves you!


Sofia's first day of 3rd grade

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