Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Same Same Sisters In Dallas


A same same story: the kids visited us in June before Italy. Rocco and I had so much fun playing that he was sad to leave. A couple weeks later  Jocelyn and Vicente had dinner with the kids in Rome. Jocelyn wrote me and said Rocco kept calling her gramma. Fast forward to yesterday in Dallas. All of us went to the preschool to pick up Rocco. Jocelyn stayed in the car. When he saw me he was so excited. We held hands leaving his school. Daniele said we have a surprise for you in the car. When they opened the car and Rocco saw Jocelyn he said “ANOTHER one! Then Aria said “Rocco who’s that?” He said “Gramma Barbara. “ then he paused and smiled coyly and added “Auntie Jocelyn.”
Double your pleasure double your fun …two grammas !

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