Friday, August 11, 2023

The Barbie Movie


Some Friday movie fun. Jocelyn, Sofia and I went to see the Barbie Movie. After we got home Sofia wanted to prank auntie Jocelyn.  We got the costume box out and she dressed herself up and had me introduce her to Joce as Sofias friend “Daisy”. 


Then she came back to me laughing and so proud and said “she totally fell for it!” Later in bed I was curious as to how she liked the movie since we knew it really wasn’t geared for her age group. I asked her about the movie. She said “it was a bit long.” Then I asked “what did you think it was about?” She said “it’s not important to be perfect.” I thought that was a very good response.


In the evening Joce and I watched the kids and Daniele and Aria went to see the Barbie movie. 



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