Thursday, September 21, 2023

Not Just About A Book Club Reads "Cry of the Kalahari


Not Just About A Book club met today to discuss our chosen book: "Cry of the Kalahari" which is a 1984 autobiography of two American Zoologists Delia and Mark Owens. It looks back on the seven years they spent as wildlife researchers in Botswana's Kalahari Desert. The story documents the difficult environments, extreme weather conditions and the multitude of challenges they faced while pursuing their field work research and observations of lions, brown hyenas and jackals. 

Our hostesses Sharon and Maria created a fun Safari themed celebration with beautiful tablescapes, fun decor and creative food and beverages.





Safari hats for everyone!


The safari theme continued with clever beverage and food displays

"The Watering Hole"

 "Lion's Roar" dip and vege mane

(Notice the blue tag on the ear of the lion. In the story the lions were tagged in this manner.)

"Zebra Zap" popcorn,  "Twigs" pretzels, "The Herd" Animal crackers

"Jungle Juice"

"Snake Sandwich"

 "Mealy Bread" Cornbread

"Safari potato Salad"

We enjoyed looking at photographs taken on a Botswana safari by one of our club members Judy.


A delicious safari cake for our birthday gals Jo and Jeanette.


Another great adventure in reading!


Thank you so much Sharon and Maria! 

It was a wonderful afternoon Safari adventure!



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