Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Party of One= It's Complicated



I laughed so hard rewatching “It’s Complicated.” I love Nancy Myers movies. They make me laugh. A perfect movie while Mike is gone. I made a G and T, then settled in for some good laughs. Meryl Streep just smoked a joint and Steve Martin arrived and she’s eating chocolate cake declaring this might be the best cake she’s ever made. (I LOVE chocolate cake. I wanted it!) She’s so freaking silly and the next thing you know they are showing up to the party both high. “ I love Steve Martin. He doesn’t have to do anything and he makes me smile. But his body when he dances is so loose and silly. I can’t help but laugh and that whole scene with Alec Baldwin and the computer.. well that takes me over the edge every time! It was a really fun night. I was in my old groove. It’s what I call my party of one!

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