Thursday, October 19, 2023

Peace Be With You


I wake up very early most mornings. I happened to watch a heartbreaking interview which set me on a thoughtful yet sad path. When the sun was up I took a much needed walk to clear my head. The first thing I saw was a large agave type plant with large pointy leaves. In this instance it did not look threatening as they often appear to me. In my state of mind it looked like outstretched arms like a child when it runs to you to be comforted and hugged. It made me think of a huge statue of Christ that we visited on the top of a mountain in southern Italy. A town called Maratea. I have a picture somewhere of a tiny Sofia climbing the stairs to the statue mimicking the pose with outstretched arms.

 As I remembered that image it came to mind the times I’ve gone to mass with members of my family that are Catholic . My favorite part of mass Is when the Priest asks the parishioners to turn to their neighbors and everyone turns and shakes each other’s hand and says “Peace be with you. “ I love that.
Im home now and I’m extending my hand to hold your hand and I’m saying to you on this Monday morning “Peace be with you.”
I feel better now. Have a wonderful day.


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