Monday, December 18, 2023

Nostalgia at Christmas

 It’s raining this morning. I’ve been listening to Christmas music and feeling very nostalgic thinking of Christmases past. Bing Crosby was singing “White Christmas” and that always reminds me of my father. It was raining and I just started crying thinking of my parents and all they did for us to make the holidays special. I miss them. I thought about the many years we packed up gifts and the kids and flew to Ohio to spend Christmas with Mikes parents. I remember how happy that made them and how hard they worked to decorate the house and cook special food. Now the shoe is on the other foot. We are the mom and dad, the grandparents that are awaiting their children to visit. Now I understand what it meant for them to have us home for the holidays. Mike has been busy writing food lists for Christmas Eve seven fish dinner. Lots to do. Better start baking the Christmas cookies now. That’s my plan for today, I hope you all are doing well, taking it slow and enjoying the holidays. Here’s to a good day.

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