Wednesday, November 20, 2024

4th Grade Writers Month of October


Sofia's school writing program throughout the year will be where every teacher selects one student in from their class to read aloud his/her paper (final piece) in front of the grade level, as well as any family members the student chooses to invite. Sofia's teacher wrote: " The student is selected based on their ability to work through the writing process independently and who craft a piece that supports the prompt for the unit. Our prompt was to write a personal narrative.  I have selected Sofia to be our Writing Celebration reader- I am so proud of her and the narrative she has created! I know she was very intentional with her time working on this piece."

"Personal Narrative"

Meeting Angie

     It was a late Saturday when my mom said we were going to the animal foster center.  After a 30 minute drive, we parked.  Me and my little brother hopped out with the wind blowing through our hair.

     Then we spotted a little playpen, so we slowly and cautiously walked

toward it. Then we saw it was our new foster puppy!  Angie was three months old and didn't have a lot of fur yet.  She was small and had very sharp teeth.  She was teething and biting my finger. It only hurt a little bit. She had really big eyes that made her really cute, but she looked nervous and unsure.  And as my mom talked with the worker, we got to play with her.  On the way home at the very end of the ride, she vomited! I was in shock and I felt bad for her.  But we got it cleaned up.  Finally we got to go home with her. Then we got to show her my house.  Angie slowly walked in and sniffed around the house. But before we knew it she messed up the house! She scratched up the wood table and bit a bunch of me and my brother's stuff, leaving teeth marks everywhere.  But with those cute glowing eyes, she would have gotten away with anything. I loved playing tug-of-war with her with my blanket. Besides, she was not that bad at tugging. 

     That night another dog, George the French bulldog, came over and it was like watching Wrestling!  They were tackling and blocking each other. Angie would be on one side of the table and George on the other. They were barking and running in circles. I had fun watching them. 

     The next morning was her last day.  I was so sad, but I knew it was for the best. She had already found a family in New York just like my other foster puppy, Beans. So once we finished packing her things, we went to the shelter. Finally, I said my last goodbye and gave her  to the worker.  And from that day on, nothing was the same. But whenever I think of her I feel more than happy for her.

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