Tuesday, February 3, 2009


As many of you know I am a follower of a travel site called, "Slowtravel". You will find it here:

Some may ask, "What is slowtravel?"

With Slow Travel you experience a deeper type of travel by staying in one place longer and seeing the things that are close to you. It is an easier, simpler and slower way of traveling. There are two components to Slow Travel:

Spend one week in one place:
Spend at least one week in one place on your trip to Europe. To do this, base your trip around one or more weekly stays in vacation rentals instead of hotels.

See what is near you:
Use the "Concentric Circles" theory for day trips. Think of your touring area as a series of concentric circles around your base. See what is close to you instead of dashing about on long day trips to see the "must-sees".


  1. Cute cartoon! I've heard people talk about needing a vacation after their vacation, when they've tried to do too much in too little time. When I slow travel, I come home relaxed and inspired!

  2. Love the cartoon! Nice description of slow travel.

  3. You and me, girl!
    S-l-o-wtravel...it's the way to go!

  4. Barb, I love that cartoon -- so cute!

  5. i love the premise of this. kinda relaxes me to just think about it!

  6. Slow Travel has opened our eyes!!!
    Great cartoon :-)
