Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The ABC's of shoes and more

Shoe cake

Chocolate "Ruby" Slippers

ABC's of Shoes

A shoe for every occasion...

My mother was a shopper. She especially loved a good bargain on shoes. Once she found a store which was particularly interesting...a hidden gem, tucked in a distant place. It sold alot of crazy stuff but it was one of those stores that had lots of treasures just had to hunt for them. This place was appropriately called, "The SURPRISE" store. Like my mom, my sister also loves shoes. Getting them at a good price is a bonus so it made perfect sense that my mother would share her discovery of this store with her. As luck would have it my sister found several great buys at the store including a very cute pair of shoes. When they arrived home my sister opened up the box of shoes that the salesgirl had placed in her bag. Excitedly, she opened the box and pulled out one of the brilliantly beautiful shoes. She admired her new possession. What a find! Then she proceeded to remove the other side of the shoes...hmmm wait a pair of shoes but both were for the left foot..."Ohhhh...", my sister said disappointedly, "So that's why they call this place "the Surprise store!"


  1. Wonder where I can find that ABC shoe poster. I have a niece who is a shoe fanatic and a 3rd grade teacher. It would be a great present for her. LOL.

  2. oh no! that was really funny. she must be heart broken too.

  3. Funny story! I'm a shoe bargain shopper too, but I've never come home with two left shoes!

  4. Funny, Barb. That happened to me once. I am not really much into shopping, except shoe shopping, it is like therapy.

  5. shoes, you can never have enough of them. A friend of mine was THE shoe buyer for TG max of all of Canada. She quit her job to move to Paris for love and had to choose only 20 pairs out of her over 100 collection. Terrible.

  6. Barb...missed reading your blog for a few days and i come back to find such wonderful posts, as usual. :)

  7. Barb, what a fun read. You either offer us smiles or beauty and sometimes both. And now--a practical question--what then did your sister do?

  8. Funny story, Barb. I don't shop much except for shoes. My husband sometimes calls me Imelda. ;)

  9. Maria aka Imelda...that's so funny.
