Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Be Kind

The best portion
of a good man's life:
his little, nameless,
unremembered acts
of kindness
and love."


  1. Hi Barb, beautiful quote! And as a traveler going to different parts of the world, I am so lucky to come across everyday people stopping to take a moment to help a perfect stranger in need. I remember them when I see someone who needs a little helping hand to pass on the kindness . . . .

    Thank you for allowing me to remember these wonderful people that I come across during my travels. Kindness and love is definitely "the best portion of a good man's life".

    Have a great day today!

  2. Yes, Trekcapri I too have been shown such kindness from complete strangers as I travelled. It touches ones heart so deeply. A good way to thank them is as you say, "pay it forward". I love that concept.

  3. Lovely, Barb. It's surprising sometimes how much the small things really do count!
