Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Writing Our Words

"We write to taste life twice,
once in the moment and
in retrospection."


  1. Great quote, Barb.
    The evolution of writing over the years is just amazing, from the messengers carrying scrolls to letters to e-mails to blogs, we still write.

  2. I love this. Love the photos and the quote. It seems that email has replace airmail in many cases, but I still love to get a postcard from a friend overseas!

  3. Wonderful quote, and so true. I love reliving life through writing.

  4. Annie, I agree that there is nothing quite as nice as receiving a handwritten letter or postcard. The idea of a stamped envelope from a faraway place is so much fun. Long ago I even sometimes go so far as sealing it with wax and dabbing some of my favorite perfume on it.

  5. Candi, so true! From chipped out messages in stone to email...what next?

  6. I agree, there is nothing like a handwritten letter or postcard. When I was a kid in the 50's, one of my aunts flew international as a TWA stewardess...she sent me postcards from all over Europe...the one I remember best was a Spanish lady dancer wearing real emobroidered skirt! Thanks for rekindling this great memory, Barbara!
