Wednesday, April 30, 2014

This Is Why

"We all have a destiny, a dharma to fulfill, and there are endless opportunities, people, and circumstances that surface throughout our lives to illuminate our path. The incidents and the people create tiny sparks that cause us to recognize, This is for me—this is important; this is why I’m here. Those sparks are signals to pay attention and be astonished and know that those little sparks are being ignited by the same Divine Source that is responsible for all of creation.

have always been eager to say yes to life in the belief that when I trust in myself, I am trusting in the very wisdom that created me. That inner spark is God talking to me, and I simply refuse to ignore it. I know that if I feel it and it ignites something in me, then the igniting process is the invisible, the Source, the very essence of all creation—and I trust it to the max." -Dr. Wayne Dyer

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

For One Minute

"For one minute
stand here in
silence and look
at the sky,
and contemplate
how awesome 
life is."

Monday, April 28, 2014

A Little Night Music

Enjoyed a little night music last Thursday evening at the Disney Music Hall. There is something so grown up about an evening with Bartok and Rachmaninoff mid week with the sun setting on downtown L.A. (Ha Ha I pretended I was grown up enough though I have to admit I nodded off a couple of times.) I think this venue is so nice. Dinner before the concert  by Patina and some fun shopping at the theater store. Lovely evening with my dear long time friends, Mary and David and my new friends, Pat and Rob. 

Mary, David and I

Pat and Rob 
(by the way Rob suggests that if one happens to nod off during the concert
 one can hear the music better)   

Downtown at dusk on a warm, Spring night. 
The Los Angeles city hall in the distance.

Fun to look at all the interesting things in the theater gift store.

Interesting architecture inside and out.

Time for the concert to begin...a little night music if you please.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Cozier, Warmer Little World

I posted this on my facebook page Friday April 25, 2014

The world in all it's magnitude and glory seems smaller and more cozy and warm this morning. My globe trotting friends Marcia & David  are posting photos today of a sunny morning stroll in Rome, flowers in Campo di Fiori , the glorious Trevi Fountains, while others are posting photos of their day tripping in the south of France Cindy  or bar hopping in Dubronik Shannon. Be still my heart. Something very sweet happens in my soul when I think of friends far and near and how travel or the thought of travel brings so many friends together. Yesterday I had arranged to pick up a package at Marcia's home before my night out with some friends that live near her in South Pasadena. It was long ago that I was supposed to pick up a package/surprise gift from Diana who had passed on the gift to Sharon in Italy. Sharon brought it back and gave it to Marcia in San Francisco to give to me in L.A. Sounds like a riddle or some new game. Phew long story, fast forward a year and yesterday I got the package. This morning I opened it up to find two beautiful ceramic dishes that Diana made. It was the sweetest most thoughtful gift. Diana this is a long overdue thank you which you must have thought me so remiss in delivering. So thank you my friend for such a beautiful present which I truly will treasure always. Thanks also to all my world travelling friends who gift me with their daily postings of travel. Hugs to all of you!

The package was just where Marcia said it would be on her porch.

Every layer of gift wrap revealed a lovely surprise. 

Tucked inside this sweet and thoughtful message:

Oh What treasures from Diana Strinati Baur, my artist friend and talented author of " True Vines.* Thank you ever so much Diana. These are very very special to me. 

*You can order Diana's wonderful first novel," True Vines" here"

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Easter Family Fun 2014

We spent a wonderful Easter Sunday enjoying brunch with my family.  Fun and laughter, lots of food, drinks and a new game called "Heads Up".

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Saturday, April 19, 2014


Faith fills a man with love for the beauty of its truth, with faith in the truth of its beauty.
Francis de Sales

Thursday, April 17, 2014

A Very Fashionable Way to Spend A Spring Day in March 2014

On March 22, 2014 some of my fashionista minded friends and I went to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) to see the 40 year retrospective show featuring the classic wrap around dress made famous by  Diane Von Furstenberg.  It was a fun day beginning with lunch at the Museum Cafe, viewing the Von Furstenberg exhibit and ending our time at LACMA with the Alexander Calder exhibit.

                                       At noon we met up with our friends and family for lunch.

                                        A fun day out with my sister

                                                  Lots of laughter at lunch. Here's our friend Wendy.

Here's a great photo of our friend Judith taken many years ago in her Diane Von Furstenberg dress.

Love my sister's shoes

En route to the show we pass by this wonderful exhibit and have to join others in interacting with the environmental sculpture.

I really love this permanent exhibit of old fashion lamp posts in front of the museum.

Really fun to see the longevity of one basic style and to see the variations on a theme.

Love the display bold patterns

A really fun day.  No pictures of our visit to the Calder exhibit but it was wonderful to see the work of such a talented sculptor. A fun day at the museum.