Thursday, July 9, 2015

LACMA (Los Angeles Country Museum of Art) With My Cousins July 5, 2015

  Sunday morning July 5th my cousin Nancy and I headed to   LACMA to meet up with our cousin  Suzanne and her husband Tim who were visiting from Ithaca, New York.

Love the museum in the early morning. It's so quiet. 

 Time for coffee and some sweets

 Suzanne and Tim found their way to the museum via Korea Town and a cool BMW dealer ship (inside joke!)

                                   "Hey, we made it here!"

Then we wandered around and saw some cool stuff...

It was time for lunch so we headed for Sawtelle Blvd. the Japantown area of West L.A.  Our adventures there with "noodles and a Giant Robot"  continue on tomorrow's blog post. 

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