Friday, July 10, 2015

Noodles and A Giant Robot

After the museum (see yesterday's post) my cousins and I headed to Sawtelle Blvd. in West Los Angeles to meet up with more family for lunch.

This is a very cute area filled with interesting restaurants and shops

 Parking on a weekend is at a premium and there are lots of people waiting in line to eat.  Might as well spend your time in line studying the menu and working up an appetite. The noodles at Tsujita Artisan noodles are so-ooo good.

but just wait for the broth to dip your noodles in.  It's amazing!

Oh Yeahhhhh! 

After lunch we took a walk down Sawtelle and reminisced about how we remembered this street long ago.  So much has changed.

 Twelve year old Emma finds a perfect sign for her.  It says,

 We are in search of the "Giant Robot"

 ...and here it is!
 Lots of fun things to discover here.

 Everyone must have hats!
Family reunions are great and this day was no exception. Wonderful to spend time with cousins Tim, Suzanne, Lisa and Emma!

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