Sunday, August 30, 2015

A Sunset Cruise of the Long Beach Harbor

On Thursday August 20th we were able to take a wonderful cruise of the Long Beach Harbor. 
 It was a perfect summer evening to sail.

 Our ship "The Christopher" was waiting for our group.
This tour was  courtesy of our 5th district Councilwoman Stacy Mungo

 She had invited 100 lucky residents in our neighborhood on a 1 1/2 hour long cruise. Mike and I were thrilled to be among the ones chosen for this 2nd annual city sponsored tour.

Port Commissioner Rich Dines gave a wonderful narrative tour of the harbor answering many questions about the importance of the port of Long Beach. 

 One of the many cargo loading docks at the port

"The Port of Long Beach is one of the world’s premier seaports, a primary gateway for trans-Pacific trade and a trailblazer in innovative goods movement, safety and environmental stewardship. With 140 shipping lines connecting Long Beach to 217 seaports worldwide, the Port handles trade valued at $155 billion each year and supports hundreds of thousands of jobs in Southern California."

 What a wonderful tour of the harbor on a warm August evening. A special thank you to our 5th district Councilwoman Stacy Mungo.

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