Saturday, August 29, 2015

Day Tripping in Venice (California that is)

Last week I spent a wonderful day exploring the west side of town. My friend Sherri took me on an adventure in Venice, California. 

 Walking through the eclectic bohemian Venice neighborhood provides lots of visual treats as well. 

We begin our morning starting with a fun shopping experience at "The Mart Collective" at 1600 Lincoln Blvd., Venice California.

 So much fun memorabilia. 

 Sherri had a special place picked out for our lunch.  I loved it. It was a restaurant on Rose Avenue called, 
"Cafe Gratitude"

 Beautiful patio dining as well as   lovely interior seating

 I loved all the thoughtful interior design. Check out the tile in the bathroom. I love it!

 Everything here is designed  to make the patrons feel blessed and grateful including the menu which is 100% organic and plant based.

 Food items are named with positive adjectives such as "flourishing",  "Adventurous","dynamic"

 Signage throughout the cafe reminds you to be in a blissful, appreciative state

Such a lovely, peaceful and positive place to dine.

This delicious bruschetta with heirloom tomatoes was called "Present"

 I am also reminded that I am always grateful for desserts! Sherri and I shared two decadent wonderful treats.

 Chocolate brownie delight
Fresh fruit compote

A special thank you to my dear friend Sherri!  What a fun adventure in Venice!

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