Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Happy Birthday Mike!

The years  go  by so quickly  

When you're having a great life!  


 Our first trip together to Europe in 1978.  I tried to take a photo of you in front of every major famous place!

 On our front porch on La Grange in Westwood. I think you were having a hot pepper eating contest with the guys. Obviously I was having no part in this competition.

Time marches on ...1981

1984 Aria is born

 1988 Athena makes her entrance

 Lots of family fun cuz you are a great dad! 

 Making pizzas together

Father daughter dances

 Many endless Saturdays as the girl's soccer coach

All the fun camping trips

 So many wonderful vacations to places near and far

 Brrrr to cold places

 and to the hot tropical islands as well

Time marches on and you were a big hit as "Father of the Bride" in 2013 and 2014! 
Now you not only have two beautiful daughters but also two wonderful sons! 
 And just when you think life can't get better than this, along
comes your first grandchild.  

 Hello Grandpa, it's me Sofia!

Happy,  Happy Birthday Mike!
May life continue to bring you many blessings!

Love you always!

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