Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Lunch at Simmzy's

My friend Cindy's sister Sandra was visiting from Ashville, North Carolina.  We had a great day out to lunch!
l-r: Sandra, Cindy and me
My favorite waitress at Simmzy's waited on us. 

Here she is Alicia!

We were sitting by a big open patio with sliding doors which were wide open.  A huge beetle flew by Cindy.  She did not blink and eye but just batted that bug with one of her swift karate moves.  

Nothing gets by our girl Cindy! 
After lunch Cindy and Sandra were going to do a little shopping on 2nd street.  I left on my own mission to find a sun visor but was not successful. The next day a present in a gift bag appeared on my doorstep and guess what it was?  Yup,

A very cute visor picked out for me by Sandra and Cindy!  Thank you ladies.  I just love it!

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