Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Slowbowl 2017 Part 5- The Long Goodbye and La Purisima Mission

Sunday February 5, 2017 
 There is a big dining room at the O'Cairn's Inn in Lompoc. 

We would get up early each day and have our complimentary breakfast in the dining area.

 Normally we would be the 2nd and 3rd persons in the dining room and would expect to see Kathy Colobong there before us. She's an early riser too.

                   That's Kathy our breakfast partner on the right.
Soon the room would be filled with more and more slowtravelers. Lots of good morning conversation over coffee. So much fun to greet the morning with these smiles.

   There we would stay for the next two hours on both Saturday and Sunday mornings greeting and talking with our other friends as they arrived for breakfast. 

 Alas the time arrived for us to say our goodbye's to all the friends. 
Ciao Ciao everyone until we meet again.

We were traveling back home with our friend Colleen from Boston and we decided to make a stop to tour the California Mission La Purisima. 

 Mission La Purisima Concepción, or La Purisima Mission is a Spanish mission in Lompoc, California. It was established on December 8, 1787 by the Franciscan order.

 The main visitor center of the Mission


                                                  Image by Kathy Colobong

Time to get back on the road home. So long Lompoc. It's been so much fun.

 There's a superbowl game to watch and Colleen's team is playing.

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