Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Superbowl 2017 Plus a Half Time Walk Through the Naples Canals of Long Beach

 Sunday February 5, 2017
We arrived home safe and sound before the Superbowl game started.  The New England Patriot's (Colleen's team from Boston) and The Atlanta Seahawks were playing.  By half time it appeared the Seahawks were going to take the game. So Colleen and I left to take a walk around the nearby Naples area of Long Beach.

We arrived home to find Colleen's team doing very well. The tide seemed to have turned. The game was so exciting and in the end Colleen's team "The New England Patriot's" were victorious. Even I was yelling! 

Colleen's victory Toast!   Yayyyyy.
  A great way to end Superbowl weekend!

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