Saturday, May 13, 2017

The Tre Stagioni Tour Downtown Los Angeles Part 1 "A Long Day's Journey Into Night"

Wednesday May 3, 2017:   I took my friends Mitra and Marion on "Tour B" of downtown Los Angeles.  I'm  calling it Tour B because I have taken various friends on  similar kinds of tours for this area and it is becoming apparent I need to designate which tours I've done with whom so as not to become redundant. 

Anyway this is what happened on Tour B Part 1 with Marion and Mitra.

We met at my house at 10:00 and drove to the Willow Blue line station in Long Beach.
Here are Marion and Mitra happily ready to begin our adventure which included of all things, many delays en route due to some downed power lines.  We had to disembark midway and wait for another train...
We finally arrived an hour late to 7th and Hope streets.   There we changed trains to the Red line.

We exited at the Pershing Square stop.

Marion and Mitra are ready, willing and able tourists in their own city.

Walking up Hill street to Grand Central Market

Just across the street is the famous "Angel's Flight tramway.

I'm sorry that presently it is not working.

Time to explore Grand Central Market

 Things are rapidly changing here.  Many of the old produce stands and mexican food cafes are being replaced by upscale bakeries, juice bars, wine stalls and fancy eateries. 

 A few of the older established ethnic food concessions are hanging in there.

 Some of the newer additions...

 As we exit Grand Central Market on Broadway Street we wander across to "Maccheroni Republic"  a nice Italian restaurant.
 They offer an interesting menu, freshly made in house pasta and a delightful patio.
Walking further down Broadway toward 3rd street  we are noting the beautiful building facades along the way

 We enter the beautiful and well known Bradbury building on the corner of 3rd and Broadway. 

 They are doing some work on the interior as there is much scaffolding which is normally not here. None the less this interior is beautiful with all the intricate iron work and wood carved detailing.

 As you exit on 3rd street you are immediately awestruck by the giant wall mural of Antony Quinn on the opposing building.

Walking to the corner of 3rd and Spring streets we reach our lunch time destination, "SPRING"   a beautiful French restaurant.   I will continue with our downtown adventure in Part 2 tomorrow.


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