Sunday, May 14, 2017

The Tre Stagioni tour Downtown Los Angeles Part 2 "A Long Day's Journey Into Night"

Continuing with our tour of  downtown L.A. where we left off yesterday it is now 12:40 and we have arrived for our luncheon reservation at the lovely French restaurant called "SPRING". 


 The reason for our outing today is to celebrate my friend Mitra's birthday.  Since she loves Paris so much we wanted to surprise her with an afternoon of French themed sights and thrills. This restaurant was a perfect choice.

 (our nice waiter Carlos is photo bombing this one)

Everything about this restaurant is delightful. The service was wonderful, friendly and attentive. Our waiter David was so nice.   Food was magnificent.

 The dessert chef prepared a special treat for Mitra's birthday!

 Ambiance was light, airy and peacefully serene. We felt like we had been transported to Paris.

 We lingered at "Spring"  for  a good amount of time and then moved on for more Paris treats. 

Very close by just down the street located at 418 South Spring is another lovely French restaurant "Le Petit Paris".  They have a nice gift boutique as well. We stopped by both.

 Mitra was in her Paris Heaven

 We had fun browsing at the Paris Boutique

 Time for the Tre Stagioni to leave Paris! There's still more to discover in downtown Los Angeles. 

 See you tomorrow for Part 3 of our "Long Day's Journey Into Night!".

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