Monday, May 15, 2017

The Tre Stagioni Tour Downtown Los Angeles Part 3- "A Long Day's Journey Into Night"

After leaving Le Petit Paris Restaurant and Boutique (yesterday's blogpost Part 2 of our touring)  it is a short walk to The Last Book Store located at 453 South Spring street. 

This is a fun wonderland of books 

 Exiting the Last Book store on 5th street walking past Pershing square to the corner of 5th and Olive.  Our next destination is the Biltmore Hotel which also has an entrance at 506 S Grand Avenue.

 The entrance at Olive street is stately and elegant. After we tour the hotel we'll return here for some rest and relaxation.

 Time to have some refreshments and relax


 We exit the Biltmore through the main Lobby to Grand Avenue and cross the street at the foot of Bunker Hill

 It's a short walk to the Central Library located at 630 W. 6th Street.

Our first stop the lovely gift shop.

 A quick view of the many levels of books accessible by elevator or escalator

  My favorite area is the Children's library section.

 After a nice chat with the librarian we are off to explore a little more before we head home.

 By the time we arrive at the metro stop at 7th and Hope it is close to 6 PM.

 We board and get seats for the 50 minute ride home but as fate would have it the train once again had many delays due to problems with track blockage.  Alas,  the delays are frequent and we are asked a second time this day to disembark to catch another train.  Because of multiple delays the crowds grow larger at this stop. There are many funny encounters including a woman who is talking non stop. Marion is a very patient listener as the woman inquires "Where did you eat today?"  We can look back on this moment now and have a good laugh.

 My friends are troopers and very good sports. It's been a Long Day's Journey into night.

 By the time we reach Willow station it is nearly 7:30.  

As we near my home it's time to get some dinner at the local taco truck.

 We arrive home before eight o'clock and eat our tacos and drink well deserved Margarita's.

We lift our glasses and toast "Happy Birthday Mitra!" A very memorable day was had by all.

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