Thursday, November 4, 2021

A Free Haircut



 I’ve posted this probably a lot. I remember this day like it was yesterday. Then and now he has always been a modest, honest man. Our early conversations centered around family and food. He is a profoundly deep thinker and was a guy with such simple needs and non materialistic. That impressed me. We were opposites I thought.i was a free spirit, footloose and all about having fun. I had taken the job at UCLA with the intention of working for one year and then I wanted to travel to Europe open ended. After I met Mike those plans went out the door. I stayed at that job for 10 years. Life takes us on paths we never imagined.

 Going through a huge bin of old photos. I had been dating Mike for a year and a half when I took this picture of him in my office at UCLA, Physics dept. he was a second year doctoral student. 24 years old. I had seen an ad in the school paper for free haircuts at Vidal Sassoon salon in Beverly Hills. Mike had a pony tail and wanted to cut his hair. This is right after getting it cut. June 1976


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