Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The Edge of Autumn


"I can feel the edge of autumn running through my fingers like sand.  The smallest breeze brings the leaves into dance and I know, around the corner, are the shortest days and cups of chai, with piano on in the background.

I pulled in the last of the pumpkins today. The sage is still strong; I'll use it well into the winter.  Thank goodness for the beautiful orphenes - they add the last bright colors to the garden.

It's the season of looking inward, of understanding where we are.  Of taking stock.  I've always found the end of October to be wistful, and this year is certainly no exception. 

So here's to wool calf warmers and bulky sweaters, cashmere leggings and headbands. 

Here's to watching, and applauding, as nature takes its final exquisite bow and exits stage left for the season, only to prepare, at its deepest level, for its stunning rebirth." - D. Bauer

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