Friday, December 16, 2022

La Festa di Natale

Today we had a wonderful Christmas party with my Italian classmates  Isa, Marion, Judy, Mitra and "la mia professoressa Luisa". A wonderful reunion for me since I have not been with these friends together as a group since Covid started in 2020. Buon Natale a tutti!

So wonderful to enjoy each others company.

All the long missed smiles and laughter.


Our hostess Judy set a beautiful table.


Luisa made a wonderful rosemary focaccia.


Stuffed mushrooms from Marion.


Mitra made a persian salad of chicken, potatoes, peas with olives and persian cucumbers. 

Toasting to wonderful friendships and a happy new year ahead.

 Buon Appetito!

Isa brought a fresh green salad.

Judy made a cheese ravioli

and a
sausage stuffed pasta
We picked numbers and opened the gift exchange presents.

I made i dolci cannolis, panna cotta and some christmas crack cookies

What a wonderful festa di Natale we had.


Buon Anno Nuovo ai miei amici!

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