Thursday, December 15, 2022

"Not Just About A Book Club" Celebrates the Holidays 2022

 On Tuesday this week  our book club lived up to its' name. We  partied at the home of our hostess with the mostest Sherri. Her home filled with holiday lights, a Christmas tree and the warm glow of candles everywhere truly created an atmosphere of holiday cheer. 




Drinks were in abundance and invitingly displayed.  



Every where you looked it seemed to say "This is for you! You're welcome here.  Be happy!"  And that is what we felt.
Wandering into the dining room the table was beautifully set.


We all gathered with drinks in hand (gin and tonics, Prosecco, Champagne with Rose syrup) and sat in the living room. We munched on cheese and crackers, and a classic onion dip with crunchy potato chips.  

I think you can guess. We were all very cozy, comfortable and happy.



 We obliged the hostess's request to wear lounge wear, p.j.'s, or anything comfortable.  It was a wonderful array of coziness, color and a little bling thrown in for good measure.

Things were festive and oh so cute. I mean just look at Maria's Santa socks!

 Soon dinner was ready and we all adjourned to the dining room.



Wine was poured. 

 Toasts were made.

" Here's to Sherri, our hostess with the mostest and wonderful friend to all of us!"



"Cheers and Happy Holidays!"

We have our club member Jo to thank for the whimsical and most festive eyeglasses. They had us laughing all night long!


Besides these wonderful glasses a grand array of gifts were given out. 

 One of the big hits of the night were the affirmation socks that Judy gave to each of us. 

Moving right along it was time to eat once again.  Decisions, decisions.  Sherri made a luscious cream cheese pie and snowflake sugar cookies, Lynda brought her home made fudge and Sharon made her delicious pretzel caramels. I think we'll all have one of each!



There is so much more to say. I mean you cannot capture accurately all the joy we felt in our hearts, the merriment of friends laughing and the pleasure we shared in simply being together. Oh but maybe this picture will be worth one thousand words:

 Thank you Sherri for a lovely, magical and most memorable holiday party.

    Happy Holidays to all.



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