Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Australia Arrival

The flight went smoothly. Not crowded at all. We had the row to ourselves. Athena, Mat and Jude picked us up and we were on our way. 



The ride home was scenic. As you get closer to Austinmer their town it gets woodsy on one side and ocean views on the other.


Their home is in a beautiful area between the mountains and 5 minute walk to their local beach. 


Athena made lunch 


We relaxed 

and enjoyed meeting Sam at last.

We love Sam our grand Dog

  Jude and I napped  and the others took Sam for a beach walk.


 Athena made a delicious  vegetable curry dinner for us.



Their back yard offers a beautiful tranquil of the mountains close by. Every so often you will hear the train in the distance.


 All is well day 1.



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