Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Sofia Born To Be A Teacher


Sofia cracks me up. As you may know she always wants to "play school" when we face time. We are both co-teachers and she has all her stuffed animals paired up and at the ready for any class assignment. I know what her teacher must sound like because Sofia echoes what her teacher says when we are together. On career day in her Kindergarten class she dressed up as a teacher. Yesterday when her family when to a historical farm and they had an old school room she sat her little brother in his seat and she sat at the teacher's desk with bell in hand. The other day she brought home her school year book with photos of the staff and grade level student photos. She then play acted in front of our students and said would you all like to see pictures of Ms. Barbara and myself? She then proceeded to point out various staff and say "This is me when I had blonde hair?" Or this is "Ms. Barbara when she was younger!" This girl! She really makes me laugh. (ooops gotta go she just called to play school!)



An apple for you teacher
Got my eyes on you Rocco

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