Today our daughter Athena graduates from college. I have been getting teary-eyed this past week thinking about this milestone in her life and in ours. I wondered "Where did the last four years go?" and even beyond that, "What happened to the last twenty one?" How did the time pass so quickly?
It feels like a blink of an eye that I held her in my arms, the little newborn Athena. Then in another moment watched a five year old wave goodbye to me on her first day of Kindergarten.
Vivid images fill my mind of all the growing up years. The birthday parties, school field trips, family vacations, and the myriad of little moments that make up life, a home and a family.
All the living that has brought us to this point today.
I read a blog post this week that was titled: "Things I Forgot To Say". It made me wonder if there were things that I forgot to say to Athena. You know, some important thoughts, feelings, lessons about life, and in general things to prepare her for the next adventure.
I realized though that from the time she was born to this moment I have told her so many times that I love her, that I am so proud of who she is and that I hope she will always follow her bliss.
Can a mother ever be content that she has said enough?
I wonder and I hope.

Here' the view from her dorm room. We are making the final move and packing the last of her things this weekend.

Athena shared with me an email she received this week from a Buddhist Monk in Australia. I hope she keeps this sage advice close to her heart. The email said this:
"All the happiness, peace, love i.e. everything you ever want is already here, in the present moment. All you have to do is be still enough to appreciate it. "
"We love you Athena and are so very proud of who you are and all that you have accomplished. We are wishing you a wonderful life as you go forward. Follow your bliss."
Athena, Barb and Mike Christmas 2009