January 9
January 27 Not Just About A Book Club reads "The Vanishing Half"
"Fame is a Vapor,
Popularity an accident.
Riches take wings.
Only one thing endures
and that is
CHARACTER." -Horace Greely
"At the center of
your being you
have the answer;
you know who you
are and you know
what you want." -Lao Tzu
“For there is always light,
if only we’re brave enough to see it.
If only we're brave enough to be it.” -Amanda Gorman
Happy New Year to our book club. To kick off our 6th year of reading we chose "The Vanishing Half" by Britt Bennett.
We enjoyed this book which focused on the lives of two identical twin sisters and the complicated twists and turns their lives take as they go their separate ways. It is a book which deals with identity, race, relationships and the withholding of truths. It is about choices we make, small and large that have huge implications on the outcome of our lives.
continue to meet by zoom which has been a technology gift during the
time of Covid 19. We are making the best of it and look forward to a
time, hopefully soon when we can all meet together in person again. Happy New Year 2021 and happy reading to all of us.
"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." —Helen Keller
Snow was falling, so much like stars filling the dark trees that one could easily imagine its reason for being was nothing more than prettiness.
"All Things SPLENDID
have been achieved
by those who dared
believe that something
inside them was superior
TO CIRCUMSTANCE..." -Bruce Barton
The Mad Hatter: "Have i gone mad?"
Alice: "I'm afraid so. You're entirely
bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret.
All the best people are."
"At the bridge I stood
lately in the brown night.
From afar came a song:
as a golden drop it welled
over the quivering surface.
Gondolas, lights, and music-
drunken it swam out into the twilight.
My soul, a stringed instrument
sang to itself, invisibly touched,
a secret gondola song,
quivering with iridescent happiness.
-Did anyone listen to it?"- Friedrick Nietzsche, Venice
"And suddenly
you know...It's
time to start
something new
and trust the
magic of beginnings."
"The older i get, the more
I realize I just need the
simple things in life:
a comfy ghome,
good food on the table and
surrounded by
the people I love."
"Age is irrelevant. Ask me
how Many sunsets I've
seen, hearts I've loved,
trips I've taken, or
concerts I've been to.
That's how old I am." -Joelle
Aria told Daniele "I think bottle feedings will create a special bond between you two this week." and Daniele said "we already have a special bond."
I miss my cousin Jan. We often celebrated our birthdays together growing up.
If 2020 taught me anything it was "Carpe Diem". So many valuable lessons learned by us all. This morning when I was talking to Sofia I said "Sofia it's a new year and that's so great. I think as soon as Gramma gets vaccinated I will be on a plane to come see you." Usually when we facetime she wants to immediately go into our play acting scenes but after I told her I'd be coming she said, "Gramma let's just talk about all the things we can do together when you are here." She began to tell me where she would take me: the library, the lake by her house and on and on. Then she said, "I think I could take you to that store Claire's by the mall because Gramma (and then she got very close to the camera and whispered "at Claire's they even sell jewelry!" That girl knows the way to gramma's heart! We had so much fun dreaming about being together. I hope it will be soon. (this picture from a year ago New Year's eve. )
returned from his daily early morning bike ride and announced I’m
making homemade meat balls! Now he’s got the sauce going. He seriously
is so happy in the kitchen. I feel like all we’ve done this year And
especially for the holidays is focus on what we are going to make to
eat. This Monday is my birthday and I told Mike I don’t want to have the
special meal We had planned. I just want leftovers. On the other hand
champagne is a must. Took down the Xmas tree and the few decorations we
put up. The sun is out. It’s good to be alive and well. I hope your day
is a happy one!
We spent several hours this morning walking by Marine Stadium onto Bay street and then sitting by the water reading our new books. It was a beautiful way to begin the new year. Stunning weather. Happy 1st day of 2021 y'all! Then we had a turkey dinner with all the trimmings.