May you be blessed
with all good things,

like the stars at night,
be too numerous to count.

May your victories be more abundant
than all the grains of sand
on all the beaches
on all the oceans

only serve
to make you

beauty, order
and abundance
be your

you choose
lead to
that which is
pure and good
and lovely.

Be replaced by a deep, abiding trust
as you observe evidence
of a Higher Power
all around you.
is only darkness
image by Karen Harvey Cox
and the storms of life

and the storms of life
are closing in
image by Mikael Kennedy
at the core of your being
And when you are tempted to

and it is
and may a rainbow
the world
you are loved beyond measure
and may you be willing
to love unconditionally in return
and cradled in the arms of God
like the cherished child you are
And when you are tempted to
judge, may you always be reminded
that we are ALL ONE.
And that every thought you think
reverberates across the Universe
touching everyone and everything

And when you are tempted
may you remember
that love
flows best
when it flows
and it is
in giving
that we receive
the greatest
and may a rainbow
follow every storm
and with each
every disappointment
every sorrow
and may love ease every pain
bring wisdom
and may every trial
bring triumph
and with each
passing day
may you live more abundantly
than the day before
and may others
be blessed by you
- all words by Kate Novak
image credits given when possible
Barb, You always find the most wonderful photos to go with beautiful quotes. This one is right at the top of my favorites. Wow, love your choices for the photos! That is why I always look forward to visiting here.
ahhhhhhhhh...i feel more peaceful and content already!
What a most wonderful post,Barb! I love the words and the photos.
Thanks for the beautiful post this morning.
Dear Barbara,
This was so uplifting and so beautiful, brought tear to eye. I can always depend on your to give me perspective and love and enlightenment. The best way to start my day is to read and see what you present here.
Love you,
Beautiful photos, Barb!
And a wonderful sentiment too!
Thanks for sharing.
Amazing Barbara how you know what picture to put with each phrase of words...on day when we've heard of so much saddness ....your pictures and words are so comforting and peaceful.... such a gift you have. Love, Lynda
Absolutely stunning photos!
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