Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Just Pee Chee Keen

Every Fall starting when I was a kid in junior high school, besides new shoes and some new outfits I began the school year with a new notebook, new dividers and plenty of lined notebook paper. I also always got a brand new "Pee Chee" folder. I loved these folders and just seeing one brings back fond memories.
Wikepedia says this:
The yellow Pee Chee All Season Portfolio was a common American stationery item in the second half of the 20th century, commonly used by students for storing school papers. It was first produced in 1943 by the Western Tablet and Stationery Company of Kalamazoo, Michigan. Pee Chees were later produced by the Mead Corporation.
These relatively inexpensive folders were made of card stock and had two internal pockets for the storage of loose leaf paper. The pockets were printed with a variety of reference information including factors for converting between Imperial and metric measurement units, and a multiplication table. The folders had fallen out of general use by the 2000s, and are no longer being produced.
The illustrations on Pee Chee folders changed occasionally over the years, but usually depicted high school age students engaged in sports or other activities. The major difference from the Pee Chee and other paper folders were the inside pockets. Pee Chee had pockets located at the sides, not the bottom, which prevented the contents from falling out if the folder was inadvertently stored upside-down.
These relatively inexpensive folders were made of card stock and had two internal pockets for the storage of loose leaf paper. The pockets were printed with a variety of reference information including factors for converting between Imperial and metric measurement units, and a multiplication table. The folders had fallen out of general use by the 2000s, and are no longer being produced.
The illustrations on Pee Chee folders changed occasionally over the years, but usually depicted high school age students engaged in sports or other activities. The major difference from the Pee Chee and other paper folders were the inside pockets. Pee Chee had pockets located at the sides, not the bottom, which prevented the contents from falling out if the folder was inadvertently stored upside-down.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Better Late Than Never
The deadline for this contest is today so I'm very late to post. I am not entering the contest but several of my really (great cooks) slowtravel friends are entering fabulous recipes. I just want to post this to support the Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. Good luck to all those entering the contest and thanks for your delicious recipes.
O foods contest for ovarian cancer awareness month
O Foods Contest for Ovarian Cancer Awareness MonthSeptember is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, and for the second year in a row, Sara of Ms Adventures in Italy and Michelle of Bleeding Espresso are hosting the O Foods Contest to raise awareness of this important health issue.
There are TWO WAYS to take part in the O Foods Contest:
ONE: Post a recipe to your blog using a food that starts or ends with the letter O (e.g., oatmeal, orange, okra, octopus, olive, onion, potato, tomato); include this entire text box in the post; and send your post url along with a photo (100 x 100) to ofoods[at]gmail[dot]com by 11:59 pm (Italy time) on Monday, September 28, 2009.
PRIZES for recipe posts:
* 1st: Signed copy of Dolce Italiano: Desserts from the Babbo Kitchen by Gina DePalma, Executive Pastry Chef of Babbo Ristorante in NYC, who is currently battling ovarian cancer, inspired this event, and will be choosing her favorite recipe for this prize;
* 2nd: Signed copy of Molto Italiano: 327 Simple Italian Recipes to Cook at Home by Mario Batali (winner chosen by Sara);
* 3rd: Signed copy of Vino Italiano: The Regional Italian Wines of Italy by Joseph Bastianich (winner chosen by Michelle).
TWO: If you’re not into the recipe thing, simply post this entire text box in a post on your blog to help spread the word and send your post url to ofoods[at]gmail[dot]com by 11:59 pm (Italy time) on Monday, September 28, 2009.
Awareness posts PRIZE:
* One winner chosen at random will receive a Teal Toes tote bag filled with ovarian cancer awareness goodies that you can spread around amongst your friends and family.
From the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund:
* Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death from gynecologic cancers in the United States and is the fifth leading cause of cancer death among U.S. women; a woman’s lifetime risk of ovarian cancer is 1 in 67.* The symptoms of ovarian cancer are often vague and subtle, making it difficult to diagnose, but include bloating, pelvic and/or abdominal pain, difficulty eating or feeling full quickly; and urinary symptoms (urgency or frequency).* There is no effective screening test for ovarian cancer but there are tests which can detect ovarian cancer when patients are at high risk or have early symptoms.* In spite of this, patients are usually diagnosed in advanced stages and only 45% survive longer than five years. Only 19% of cases are caught before the cancer has spread beyond the ovary to the pelvic region.* When ovarian cancer is detected and treated early on, the five-year survival rate is greater than 92%.
And remember, you can also always donate to the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund at Sara & Michelle's page through FirstGiving!
Please help spread the word about ovarian cancer.Together we can make enough noise to kill this silent killer.
O foods contest for ovarian cancer awareness month
O Foods Contest for Ovarian Cancer Awareness MonthSeptember is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, and for the second year in a row, Sara of Ms Adventures in Italy and Michelle of Bleeding Espresso are hosting the O Foods Contest to raise awareness of this important health issue.
There are TWO WAYS to take part in the O Foods Contest:
ONE: Post a recipe to your blog using a food that starts or ends with the letter O (e.g., oatmeal, orange, okra, octopus, olive, onion, potato, tomato); include this entire text box in the post; and send your post url along with a photo (100 x 100) to ofoods[at]gmail[dot]com by 11:59 pm (Italy time) on Monday, September 28, 2009.
PRIZES for recipe posts:
* 1st: Signed copy of Dolce Italiano: Desserts from the Babbo Kitchen by Gina DePalma, Executive Pastry Chef of Babbo Ristorante in NYC, who is currently battling ovarian cancer, inspired this event, and will be choosing her favorite recipe for this prize;
* 2nd: Signed copy of Molto Italiano: 327 Simple Italian Recipes to Cook at Home by Mario Batali (winner chosen by Sara);
* 3rd: Signed copy of Vino Italiano: The Regional Italian Wines of Italy by Joseph Bastianich (winner chosen by Michelle).
TWO: If you’re not into the recipe thing, simply post this entire text box in a post on your blog to help spread the word and send your post url to ofoods[at]gmail[dot]com by 11:59 pm (Italy time) on Monday, September 28, 2009.
Awareness posts PRIZE:
* One winner chosen at random will receive a Teal Toes tote bag filled with ovarian cancer awareness goodies that you can spread around amongst your friends and family.
From the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund:
* Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death from gynecologic cancers in the United States and is the fifth leading cause of cancer death among U.S. women; a woman’s lifetime risk of ovarian cancer is 1 in 67.* The symptoms of ovarian cancer are often vague and subtle, making it difficult to diagnose, but include bloating, pelvic and/or abdominal pain, difficulty eating or feeling full quickly; and urinary symptoms (urgency or frequency).* There is no effective screening test for ovarian cancer but there are tests which can detect ovarian cancer when patients are at high risk or have early symptoms.* In spite of this, patients are usually diagnosed in advanced stages and only 45% survive longer than five years. Only 19% of cases are caught before the cancer has spread beyond the ovary to the pelvic region.* When ovarian cancer is detected and treated early on, the five-year survival rate is greater than 92%.
And remember, you can also always donate to the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund at Sara & Michelle's page through FirstGiving!
Please help spread the word about ovarian cancer.Together we can make enough noise to kill this silent killer.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Things You Can't Learn From Others
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Realizations By the Light of the Moon

“I am not the same having seen the moon rise on the other side of the world.”
- Mary Ann Rademacher
"Here I came to the very edge where nothing at all needs saying,
everything is absorbed through weather and the sea,
and the moon swam back,
its rays all silvered,
and time and again the darkness would be broken by the crash of a wave,
and every day on the balcony of the sea,
wings open,
fire is born,
and everything is blue again like morning"-Pablo Neruda, It is Born
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Guided by God's Hand

I can always count on my friend Anne's blog at http://www.slowtrav.com/blog/andasamo/
to brighten my day. Though I have never met her, I feel we are "soul sisters" or "kindred spirits" , or whatever name that applies because I feel a deep and spiritual connection to her. The other day she posted this wonderful passage from the poet Rabindranath Tagore. As a teenager I bought a book by him that I found in a used book store. There is such wisdom in his poetry. This is what Anne shared in her blog:
The Grasp Of Your Hand
"Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers,
but to be fearless in facing them.
Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but
for the heart to conquer it.
Let me not crave in anxious fear to be saved,
but hope for the patience to win my freedom.
Grant me that I may not be a coward, feeling
Your mercy in my success alone; but let me find
the grasp of Your hand in my failure."
~ Rabindranath Tagore from The Heart of God
"Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers,
but to be fearless in facing them.
Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but
for the heart to conquer it.
Let me not crave in anxious fear to be saved,
but hope for the patience to win my freedom.
Grant me that I may not be a coward, feeling
Your mercy in my success alone; but let me find
the grasp of Your hand in my failure."
~ Rabindranath Tagore from The Heart of God
Friday, September 18, 2009
You and I

“I honor the place in you
where the entire Universe resides.
I honor the place
of love, of light, of truth, of peace.
I honor the place within you where
if you are in that place in you,
and I am in that place in me,
there is only one of us.” -Ram Dass on the "Meaning of Namaste"
where the entire Universe resides.
I honor the place
of love, of light, of truth, of peace.
I honor the place within you where
if you are in that place in you,
and I am in that place in me,
there is only one of us.” -Ram Dass on the "Meaning of Namaste"
A big thank you to Annie at http://www.slowtrav.com/blog/annienc/
for reminding me of all the wisdom that can be found from Ram Dass
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Power of Now
Think on this: Be Here Now

"Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry — all forms of fear —
are caused by too much future, and not enough presence.
Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness,
and all forms of nonforgiveness are caused by too much past,
and not enough presence" -Eckhart Tolle

"Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry — all forms of fear —
are caused by too much future, and not enough presence.
Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness,
and all forms of nonforgiveness are caused by too much past,
and not enough presence" -Eckhart Tolle
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Cosmic Support

This is from the "Daily Om"
The title of it is :
"The Universe's Plan for you"
"The path that speeds us toward our dreams can be a challenging and complex one, so it’s easy to get bogged down in confusion and insecurities. We often hesitate at the start of that path, questioning our purpose or our capabilities. Yet we should be moving forward joyously, eager to discover what destiny has in store for us. The universe has plans for us that eclipse anything we have dreamed of thus far. Though we must work diligently to fulfill our potential and to accomplish our individual missions, the universe is aware of both the quests we chose before birth and the goals we have formulated in adulthood. If we accept that it us watching over us and believe that it will facilitate our eventual success, the universe will provide us with the assistance and opportunities that enable us to make significant progress on our journeys of ambition. Nothing happens without a purpose. Whether we attract success or repel it depends on our willingness to stay open to a wide range of possibilities and to embrace concepts like synchronicity. The universe is always ready to care for our needs, but we must not write off its loving attention as mere circumstance or chance. Likewise, we must endeavor to ensure that our egos do not become a barrier that prevents us from recognizing that even perceived mistakes and strife can be profound lessons that smooth the progress of personal evolution. When we understand that we only need to enthusiastically try our best to realize our objectives, the universe will take care of the details, propelling us forward in its unstoppable current. We may not always immediately understand the significance of certain experiences, but our trust will help us choose wisely at each crossroads.The universe wants to see you accomplish your goals. No matter how long you’ve dallied or hesitated, it will always be there to put its plan for you in motion at the first sign of your faith. You can make the most of this aid by acquiescing to it rather than fighting it—nurture your dreams but do not attempt to micromanage every detail along the way. The universe will provide you with guidance and, if you heed that guidance, you will find your formerly stressful quest for success will become a journey of great joy."
The title of it is :
"The Universe's Plan for you"
"The path that speeds us toward our dreams can be a challenging and complex one, so it’s easy to get bogged down in confusion and insecurities. We often hesitate at the start of that path, questioning our purpose or our capabilities. Yet we should be moving forward joyously, eager to discover what destiny has in store for us. The universe has plans for us that eclipse anything we have dreamed of thus far. Though we must work diligently to fulfill our potential and to accomplish our individual missions, the universe is aware of both the quests we chose before birth and the goals we have formulated in adulthood. If we accept that it us watching over us and believe that it will facilitate our eventual success, the universe will provide us with the assistance and opportunities that enable us to make significant progress on our journeys of ambition. Nothing happens without a purpose. Whether we attract success or repel it depends on our willingness to stay open to a wide range of possibilities and to embrace concepts like synchronicity. The universe is always ready to care for our needs, but we must not write off its loving attention as mere circumstance or chance. Likewise, we must endeavor to ensure that our egos do not become a barrier that prevents us from recognizing that even perceived mistakes and strife can be profound lessons that smooth the progress of personal evolution. When we understand that we only need to enthusiastically try our best to realize our objectives, the universe will take care of the details, propelling us forward in its unstoppable current. We may not always immediately understand the significance of certain experiences, but our trust will help us choose wisely at each crossroads.The universe wants to see you accomplish your goals. No matter how long you’ve dallied or hesitated, it will always be there to put its plan for you in motion at the first sign of your faith. You can make the most of this aid by acquiescing to it rather than fighting it—nurture your dreams but do not attempt to micromanage every detail along the way. The universe will provide you with guidance and, if you heed that guidance, you will find your formerly stressful quest for success will become a journey of great joy."
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Four More Thoughts on Living
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Finding Contentment

"There are nine requisites for contented living:
HEALTH enough to make work a pleasure;
WEALTH enough to support your needs;
STRENGTH enough to battle with difficulties and forsake them;
GRACE enough to confess your sins and overcome them;
PATIENCE enough to toil until some good is accomplished;
CHARITY enough to see some good in your neighbor;
LOVE enough to move you to be useful and helpful to others;
FAITH enough to make real the things of God;
HOPE enough to remove all anxious fears concerning the future."
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
HEALTH enough to make work a pleasure;
WEALTH enough to support your needs;
STRENGTH enough to battle with difficulties and forsake them;
GRACE enough to confess your sins and overcome them;
PATIENCE enough to toil until some good is accomplished;
CHARITY enough to see some good in your neighbor;
LOVE enough to move you to be useful and helpful to others;
FAITH enough to make real the things of God;
HOPE enough to remove all anxious fears concerning the future."
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Accepting Real Life

"Everything in life that we really accept undergoes a change."
-Katherine Mansfield
I've found a great deal of solace re-reading a book I long ago gave my mother. When we were clearing out my family home during the early part of the year I reclaimed this book. The recent turn of events in my life which are presently quite challenging has spurred me to reread some thoughts that have helped me a great deal. I share them with you here.
"Accepting and blessing our circumstances is a powerful tool for transformation. In fact, this potent combination is a spiritual elixir that can work miracles in our lives.
What is acceptance?
Acceptance is surrendering to what is: our circumstances, our feelings, our problems, our financial status, our work, our health, our relationships with other people, the delay of our dreams. Before we can change anything in our life we have to recognize that this is the way it's meant to be right now. For me, acceptance has become what I call the long sigh of the soul. It's the closed eyes in prayer, perhaps even the quiet tears.
It's "all right," as in
"All right, you lead, I'll follow."
And it's"all right, " as in
"Everything is going to turn out all right."
This is simply part of the journey."
-From "Simple Abundance" by Sarah Ban Breathnach
-Katherine Mansfield
I've found a great deal of solace re-reading a book I long ago gave my mother. When we were clearing out my family home during the early part of the year I reclaimed this book. The recent turn of events in my life which are presently quite challenging has spurred me to reread some thoughts that have helped me a great deal. I share them with you here.
"Accepting and blessing our circumstances is a powerful tool for transformation. In fact, this potent combination is a spiritual elixir that can work miracles in our lives.
What is acceptance?
Acceptance is surrendering to what is: our circumstances, our feelings, our problems, our financial status, our work, our health, our relationships with other people, the delay of our dreams. Before we can change anything in our life we have to recognize that this is the way it's meant to be right now. For me, acceptance has become what I call the long sigh of the soul. It's the closed eyes in prayer, perhaps even the quiet tears.
It's "all right," as in
"All right, you lead, I'll follow."
And it's"all right, " as in
"Everything is going to turn out all right."
This is simply part of the journey."
-From "Simple Abundance" by Sarah Ban Breathnach
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Lucky Us
Monday, September 7, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
HQ - Ti lascio una canzone - 'O sole mio: Trio Ginoble-Boschetto-Barone - Live
I may have posted this before but it's such a beautifully performed song. I hope it takes you to a happy place. It does for me every time I listen to it.
Behind Every Cloud There's a Silver Lining

"Winter in Venice with the sun setting behind the church of San Giorgio Maggiore "
"Above all else: go out with a sense of humor.
It is needed armor.
Joy in one's heart and some laughter on one's lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life."~Hugh Sidey
It's been hard for me to see the glass as half full lately. I have been feeling quite challenged by some recent difficult events. I've been praying for restoration of my usual positive vision in life. I've been reflecting on things I post in my own blog for strength through the words of others that have given me joy in the past. I've looked to other posts for spiritual renewal and I've prayed every day for patience and guidance and strength.
This morning I believe my prayers led me to two blogsites. One for the photo posted above which made me think: " how can I feel sad when there is a sunset on our earth as beautiful as this one. " Just the lovely, romantic title, "Winter in Venice" brought happiness to my heart. Then I read this verse by Hugh Sidney that another friend had posted on her blog which reminded me how important it is to keep laughter in our lives. Thanks to those two bloggers and to all the kind friends who have offered words of support and love during my time of challenges.
When I put things into perspective it is far more important for me to focus on the positives in life.
As my daughters always tell me:
"Everything will be okay!"
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Don't Be Sorry

"Life isn't supposed to be an all or
nothing battle between misery and bliss.
Life isn't supposed to be a battle at all.
And when it comes to happiness,
sometimes life is just okay,
sometimes it's comfortable,
sometimes wonderful,
sometimes boring,
sometimes unpleasant.
When your day's not perfect,
it's not a failure or a terrible loss.
It's just another day."
-Barbara Sher
Thursday, September 3, 2009
The Way You View Things

“Adventure is a path. Real adventure - self-determined, self-motivated, often risky - forces you to have firsthand encounters with the world. The world the way it is, not the way you imagine it. Your body will collide with the earth and you will bear witness. In this way you will be compelled to grapple with the limitless kindness and bottomless cruelty of humankind - and perhaps realize that you yourself are capable of both. This will change you. Nothing will ever again be black-and-white.”
-Mark Jenkins
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Happy 21st Birthday Athena

Hey, "Happy Birthday MAARTHA!!" ...uh....uh... ooooh Saw-weeee....I mean...
Happy, Happy 21st Birthday ATHENA!....
(Got any Peach Cream?)
Athena, Dad and I wish you the very happiest 21st birthday and a year ahead that is filled to over flowing with joy and fulfillment. You are such a sweetheart! We Love YOU!

"May your coming year be filled with
magic and dreams and good
madness. I hope you read some fine
books and kiss someone who thinks
you're wonderful, and don't forget
to make some art-write or draw or
build or sing or live as only you can.
And I hope, somewhere in the next
year, you surprise yourself."
-Neil Gaiman
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