Every week, America tuned into "The Ed Sullivan Show" and every week, the TV audience was charmed by the antics of the adorable mouse, Topo Gigio. Created by a highly creative troupe of puppeteers, it took four people to bring the 10" tall character to life, three to manipulate him and one to create his sweet voice.Appearing over 50 times, the little Italian mouse would appear on stage and greet Ed with a sugary "Hello Eddie!". Topo also was quite the lover, often speaking of his girlfriend "Rosie", but the enduring image is how Topo ended his weekly visits, literally crooning to Ed, "Keesa me goo'night, Eddie".
Little Topo Gigio has such a special place in our home when we were growing up. Our family would watch the Ed Sullivan show together and whenever he was on we laughed so hard. I don't know how it was that my sister was able to get a Topo Gigio necklace but it was the cutest thing. To this day the little guy is near and dear to our hearts. If we ever get a chance to sneak a "Hello Eddie" into our conversations we do so. It always makes us laugh!
What a great memory, we used to sit as family and watch the Ed Sullivan show too, and Topo Gigio was one of our favorites too!! Thanks for the memories.
I remember watching the Ed Sullivan show with my family when I was little but only vaguely remember Topo Gigio. I think I remember his name more than the character.
Isn't it something to think that back in those years a t.v. show like Ed Sullivan on a Sunday night could be such a unifying factor for so many American families? Everyone looked forward to that show and families everywhere huddled together to watch as one. A nice time in many ways and also feels so innocent.
Wow-this is a blast from my past! I haven't thought about Topo for a looong time - it was a big hit then and still brings chuckles. Mahalo for this memory.
Wow! I haven't thought about Topo Gigio in YEARS! I used to love him! Loved The Ed Sullivan Show so much. Thanks for bringing back a good memory.
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