Monday, February 10, 2025

Monday, Monday

 Most mornings I wake up very early before dawn. The house is quiet. I watch the sun rise. I find comfort beginning my day in solitude. As light begins to fill the room I Iook at things around me that make me happy. A ceramic vase that my friend Wolfie made, a bust of Poseidon sitting atop “The Book of Virtues”, pictures of my family. I like to drink a cup of hot tea. It soothes my soul. I take it with me as I peruse the back yard. Looking at the lemon and avocado trees I see they are bearing so many gifts. They’ve been working overtime. It’s Monday morning. A new week. I’m counting my blessings and I hope you will too. Despite whatever lays so heavy in your hearts I hope you can begin this week counting the things that make you happy. May you be gentle with yourselves and kind to those around you. It’s so important to be kind.


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